“I invite you therefore, in the name of the Lord, to observe a holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and by reading and meditating on the word of God.”
In just a few weeks, we will begin the season of Lent with the ancient sign of ashes on our foreheads and the above invitation from the Book of Alternative Services.
Lent is one of my favourite times of year. It is a season of intentional preparation for the joy of Easter. For years, I have found it to be an incredibly rich spiritual season, largely because I have been in the habit of taking on a Lenten practice or set of practices.
I invite you to consider now how you might ‘observe a holy Lent’ this year. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do everything on the list below! It is more for your consideration, to spark your imagination, to choose what is right for you to reorder for the better your relationships – your relationships with yourself, your community, the world, material possessions, family and friends, and ultimately with God.
-       Try spiritual direction! We are working with Claudia Weiland to offer “taster” spiritual direction sessions by appointment. I can also refer you to other spiritual directors if desired.
-       Meet with a counsellor, a therapist or good soul-friend for some intentional self-reflection.
-       Take up a journaling practice.
-       Consider using the sacrament of reconciliation (sometimes called confession and absolution). I offer this sacrament by appointment and am happy to explain it further to anyone who is curious.
-       Take some time in conversation, writing, or prayer to face the hard truths about where you have fallen short of the glory of God—where you have hurt and harmed—and take steps to make amends.
-       If you don’t come every Sunday, consider trying to come every (or every other) Sunday for worship during Lent.  
-       Add some mid-week prayer to your life by attending our Wednesday mid-day Lenten service.
-       Try on a home prayer practice for size (that you don’t already do) – morning prayer, compline, a quick grace before meals, intentional walking, silent meditation or spiritual reading. There are many options and resources available!
-       Take on the ancient practice of giving something up. This could be giving up or limiting a food group (though it is not about dieting), social media, single-use plastics, or hurtful words.
-       Almsgiving is a fancy word for giving to those in need. Maybe consider making a special Lenten donation or donations.
-       Consider donating a meal or single item to the foodbank every time you go to the grocery store.  
-       Look into volunteering at Under One Roof, the Welcome Centre, Hilltop House, or visit a lonely neighbour or relative.
Reading and meditating on the word of God
-       Sign up for the “Transforming Questions” study.
-       Make a point of trying out the weekly Bible Study.
-       Try out a Lenten reading plan using the Day-by-Day booklet or an app, or just pick a book, like a gospel, and start working through a chapter a day.
This is not an exhaustive list, but neither is it meant to overwhelm you. If you require support or guidance in choosing a good Lenten practice, please let me know!
May all of us experience transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit as we walk together with Jesus on our Lenten journeys this year.
Thanks be to God!