Prayer, I have heard it called the World’s Greatest Wireless Connection!
Well, one thing that appears to be something that Jesus taught us to do is to pray. When I read the Holy Scripture, there sure seems to be a whole lot of praying going on! Whether it is in the Old Testament, as when Hannah “pours out her soul before the Lord” (1 Samuel) or in the New Testament, where Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives and his sweat turns to blood, it is clear that one of God’s greatest gifts to us is prayer. And, it’s free (just sayin’)!
Now, I am certainly no expert in prayer, I am still learning. I will certainly not bore you with my personal details of how I need to incorporate less sugar in my diet, more composting at home and more prayer in my day. There is always room for improvement. But what I really do know is that prayer is only good. Prayer is heart driven, prayer is cleansing, healing, uplifting, painful, full of anguish, loving, joyful, reflective. Prayer can be sung! We can pray together and as Jesus taught us “ go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father”, “For your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6;6-9). Prayer is how we praise God, thank God, ask God for change, ask God for forgiveness and so on. It is how we intentionally converse with God. It is a way in which we connect with God.
Prayer is good for our physical health. And there is much research suggesting that prayer can improve a person’s mental health, such as reducing anxiety and stress, causing lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure, and improved immune functioning. It is all interconnected. Wow! Just see how God works.
As I said, I am still learning. And one thing that I have learned from the good -hearted people here at Saint John the Divine, is that prayer is an action of love and is clearly an example of life in the Spirit. When you pray for me on my path to baptism, I feel God’s light shining toward me, giving me courage and a sense of worth, you invoke this through your prayers. When you pray for my loved ones, the people that are dear to me, your prayers offer strength and healing, and show compassion. Your People’s Prayers, for the community, the country, the world, the planet and all of God’s creations offer hope, comfort and optimism. And the Prayer Shawl Ministry, I have witnessed God’s healing power through this Ministry.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (2 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.