At various times I have been intrigued by the writings of Jacques Ellul, a French philosopher and
lay theologian. He was a sociologist and social reformer and was concerned with the effects of
technology upon humanity and society. One of his books, to Will and to Do, is very much
concerned with the ethics of Christians living in a technological society. He wrote this in 1969 at
about the same time that the Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan was causing such a
sensation with his catch phrase the Medium is the Message, the effects of media upon our
society. Ellul attempted to find a place for his faith in the midst of the pressures and effects of
technology that he saw facing the society of the 1960’s and ‘70’s.
I have recently chatted with several of my friends about one of the new scams that is being
perpetrated on the public using voice altering AI technology to mimic the voice of a family
member calling for urgent financial help. What does this have to do with my faith?
I think a first step is to see the multiplicity of these scams as evidence of the reality and viral
nature of evil in our world. This evil needs to be countered by a good that is beyond us as
individuals and even beyond our corporate society attempting to bring about goodness in our
world. The Gospel promises us the presence of the Spirit of God as a consistent and supportive
force in our lives to deal with this evil. C S Lewis, in one of his books, suggests that the forces
of evil want to isolate us and have us focus on our individuality and personal identity rather than
our corporate mutually supportive life within our spiritual home and family.
It is far easier to be a Christian within a Christian community. Far safer as well.
Canon Donald J Lawton