Stewardship – using the gifts God gives us to do the mission God is calling us to do.

At the heart of stewardship is a great big thank you – stewardship is in many ways ‘thanks-giving.’

When we give from a place of gratitude; when we recognize that all that we have and all that we are comes from God, our giving becomes a joyful act. We find ourselves able to share generously from the good gifts God has entrusted to us.  

And so, this week, as we begin our month of stewardship, I invite you to reflect on the following questions:
What am I thankful for? 

What are the good gifts that God has given me? 

What about St. John’s am I thankful for? 

How can I let my giving truly become thanks-giving?  

My friends, God is indeed a good and generous God, and our cup runneth over. And so…

I give thanks for all the blessings that God lavishes upon us.

I give thanks for this beautiful place that we get to call home. 

I give thanks for being called to be partners in God’s mission together.

I give thanks for this community of St. John’s. 

I give thanks for you. 

Join with me in the thanks-giving. 
Thanks be to God!