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Today I would like to share with you a little bit about a new stole I received recently that I had a hand in designing. 

The reason is that it is a red stole, and red is what is traditionally worn on Pentecost (it’s not too late to go change your shirt or put on a hat if you want to join in the fun!) 

Red is the colour of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, who is associated with, among other things, birds, wind, and fire. The story of Pentecost from the book of Acts remembers the gift of the Holy Spirit, which manifested in wind and tongues of flame. As a result, the iconography on red vestments often incorporates flames and/or doves on them. 

For my stole, I decided to do something a little different. 

On the front of my new stole are four winged creatures traditionally representing the four gospel writers: lion, Mark; eagle, John; human, Matthew; and ox, Luke. On the neck there is a fifth creature, the lamb of God, representing Jesus, to whom the gospels ultimately witness. 

The reason I think this goes so well with Pentecost isn’t just because of the winged creatures/birds connection, but because Pentecost is about the Spirit animating us as gospel people – a gospel community – in remembering and sharing the stories of God’s love for the world in our own voice, our own context. 

Thanks be to God!