For the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks of August we will be doing “these are a few of my favourite hymns,” and singing some of our community’s favourite pieces of music every Sunday. For these weeks, you will hear a little more about these hymns and why folks chose them in these back-page reflections!

May our hearts be lifted, to the glory of God, through this music.

Thanks be to God!

Let Streams of Living Justice

Cameron: “I love the epic, rousing music of this hymn. It feels like it could be a national anthem, but I love how it is rather than nationalism extolling a vision of God’s Kingdom of justice and peace for the world.”


Be Thou My Vision

Rita: “Be Thou My Vision was a hymn that I remember singing as a child in England. With its Shakespearian wording it reminds me that people have been singing those same words to God for hundreds of years and that feels comforting.”


Dear God, Compassionate and Kind

Eve: “I chose hymn 455 because I like the words and the tune.”


Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Simon: “The reason for this hymn is that it was one of the hymns sung at my Uncle David's funeral last September. I remember how powerfully I felt God's presence in that church as all the congregation sung and the organ played. I will never forget that experience.”