For the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks of August we will be doing “these are a few of my favourite hymns,” and singing some of our community’s favourite pieces of music every Sunday. For these weeks, you will hear a little more about these hymns and why folks chose them in these back-page reflections!
May our hearts be lifted, to the glory of God, through this music.
Thanks be to God!
O Come Divine Messiah (Cameron)
I think that Advent music is beautiful, but I think it often gets lost in December amidst the hubbub of the secular celebration of Christmas. The messages touch me. Anticipation – waiting, longing for Jesus; waiting, longing for justice; waiting, longing for peace. This hymn is one that I gained appreciation for only in the last couple of years, and I love the wonderful, dancing, bouncing tune, giving insight into the joy that can be found in the waiting. I hope that we can enjoy these words, tune and themes even out of season!
Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Simon)
I chose this hymn because it was featured in a very moving episode of The Crown (Netflix’s series on the Royal Family). In season 3, the tragedy in the Welsh mining village of Aberfan in 1966 was the focus. A mining spill accidentally rushed down the mountain into the village hitting a primary school as well as other buildings. 116 kids were killed and 28 adults, representing half of a generation of children in this small village. The entire village turned out for the collective funeral, with the Queen and King present. The children's coffins are in one long row with the mourning parents and families standing on the edge. The priests/pastors read about God's promise to wipe away every tear and make all things new. Then the entire village bursts forth with this hymn and appears to be signing it with all their might in their grief. It reminds me of a time when the church, the Bible and community were core pieces to a community's resilience and of God's presence in the incredible pain a parent suffers when having to bury their child. One more thing, turns out the Queen wasn't there for the funeral, only Prince Phillip. Phillip tells the Queen that the funeral was astonishing because of the anger present in so many people's eyes - at the government, mining board, etc. But also at God. Elizabeth asks what they did. Philip says that they sang. And that he had never seen anything like it before. Christian faith. God gives and God takes away. Still we sing praise, through our tears and rage.
Eat this bread, Drink this Cup (Rita)
Many years ago we used to sing “Eat This Bread, Drink This Cup” often during the Eucharist so that we knew it well. It is a great reminder of why we take communion.
I the Lord of Sea and Sky (Here I am Lord) (Joy)
This one I picked only because it called to me and I love the words and tune.
Morning Has Broken (Trish)
I chose this song because it touches my heart in a SPECIAL WAY. All sorrows are being healed with the dawning of each new day.And He walks with me and He sings to me through expressing the beauty around me. Love you, Lord Jesus