For the first two weeks of August we will be doing “these are a few of my favourite hymns,” and singing some of our community’s favourite pieces of music every Sunday. For these weeks, you will hear a little more about these hymns and why folks chose them in these back-page reflections!

May our hearts be lifted, to the glory of God, through this music.

Thanks be to God!


Diane Riley:  "Come in We are family" -  This is a favourite of my Dad's. He appreciated the cheery music very much.

Wayne Kennedy: "Let us break bread together" - This is a beautiful communion hymn.  I remember the first time we took communion as a family together.  Our eldest daughter was between 8-10 years.

David Hildreth: "She comes sailing in the wind" This is a family favourite, it is so uplifting and spiritual.  It is the Spirit of God in flight as well as coming to us.

Rita Carey: "I Heard the voice of Jesus say" - This is my favourite hymn. I love the Celtic music and the words remind me that we are healed and fed by our faith in God (over and over again)

Canon Donald Lawton: "On Eagle's Wings" - Norma and I first heard this hymn when we attended a charismatic Anglican church in the Halifax suburb of Bedford in the late 1980's. The church used three books for hymns, the old blue hymn book, a praise book that originally came out of England and a binder of various songs, choruses and hymns.  On Eagles Wings was one of the favourite hymns either in the service or in the hymn sing that preceded the service.  I always found its lifting lightness uplifting and inspiring.