Self-reflection, repentance, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and reading and meditating on the Word of God.

These are our traditional Lenten practices.

How are they going for you? (It’s never too late to start dabbling with a Lenten practice if you haven’t yet!)
These exercises are worth doing all year round, but this is a particularly appropriate time as we prepare for the joy of the Easter season.

However, why do we do these things at all? What do these activities accomplish?

Why go to church? Why self-reflect? Why repent? Why pray? Why give to those in need? Why read the Bible?

These are good questions to ask and to be able to answer.

Many answers are possible.

However, as I pondered these questions this week, the first line of a well-beloved hymn came to my mind:  

“Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace.”

Ultimately, I believe that these Lenten practices help us to tune our hearts to sing and see and live God’s grace.

This Lent, through our exercises, may our hearts become more in tune with God’s heart and our ways with God’s ways.

Thanks be to God!