Parish Council Meeting November 15, 2020 Minutes

Present: Rev. Cameron, David Hildreth, Karen Brumpton, Eve Brealey, Pam Tattersfield, Muriel Shephard, Anna Morgan
Regrets: Rita Carey
Notetaker: Elaine Graham

Rev. Cameron opened the meeting with a prayer.
Karen moved and Eve seconded the acceptance of the agenda -

Muriel moved and Anna seconded the acceptance of past minutes Carried (need to correct a spelling error: oops)

Business Arising from Minutes

Contingency payments and Diocese tech grant both will be dealt with further in the meeting.

Financials and Envelopes Report

Eve presented the financial reports for October and noted that the October grant from the Diocese with regards to the family ministry program did not arrive until November.

Eve would like to move the family ministry funds (AIF grant) be moved in 2021 to the balance sheet. It was suggested that the money be moved to a GIC fund.
Motion pending Diocesan approval

Eve moved and David seconded to transfer the AIF grant 9000.00 from income to special purpose fund in December Carried

Eve moved and David seconded to accept the financials as presented Carried
Rita submitted the envelope report for October a request was made that the envelope

report include a line for budgeted amounts

Fundraising + Stewardship

On-line Auction there are a lot items coming in. Rev. Cameron has found a platform for the on-line auction.

Purdy’s Chocolates - Nov. 22 is last day to place an order people can order on line or off line pick up date is Nov 30; orders will be delivery early December

Church Calendars are in, some have been sold

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Stewardship Campaign Update

Thank you to David and Diane for participating in the Stewardship moments. Stewardship letters have been mailed pledges are coming in, there is a box in the office for people to drop off forms


Rev. Cameron noted that the organizations who we have received donations are grateful.
There is a balance of $1,800.00 of outreach funds left to be dispersed
Rev Cameron asked that the committee members come with suggestions/ideas to the December meeting.

Equity & Inclusion Training

Rev. Cameron sent information about the training prior to the meeting. Rev. Cameron has attended a Dismantling Racism workshop and recommends that as a church/church council it would be valuable for the training. The cost is $175.00 per person, but there is a sliding scale. This item could possibly go into the 2012 budget. The workshop would be on-line.

Maintenance Report

Roof Trevor is checking in with Andy Fence no update this will be a spring job

Reopening Plans

Rev. Cameron is taking a week off at the end of the month. Canon Donald Lawton will be covering. After a group discussion it was decided that there will not be a 5pm service on Sunday November 29th
Any thoughts on December it was agreed that we would have to wait and see what the Health authorities have to say- it was agreed that the wardens and Cameron will make decisions regarding in-person services.

Staying Connected

Website/Communications There is a $2000.00 grant available for the technology. Karen moved and Pam seconded to approve that up to $2,000.00 can be spent on needed equipment.Carried
The Diocese has a promotion on with Shaw and computers - Elaine to check the pricing of Shaw internet

Review of services

Rev. Cameron is encouraging feedback on the worship services it was noted that using a variety of locations is appreciated it was also noted that the music is beautiful.



The Whistler group met for a service. There are four people in Whistler who are a part of the discernment process. Rev. Cameron reported that he has a church-planting coach (which is free) and that the Diocese is very supportive of this initiative. The group was asked to think of ways to be inclusive of the Whistler and beyond group. Rev. Cameron will see how the group would like to be referred to. Rev. Cameron asked if the council could think about the questions that were given to the Whistler group in the context of St John.

Ministry Groups

Music- Rev. Cameron has been asking around but there is not much available, we could think about putting an ad out in the new year.

Upcoming Events

Advent Wreaths Donald Lawton has made 20 Advent wreaths, Cameron is making prayer cards, there are also candles for the wreaths this is an excellent prayer tool

Nativity Display people have responded that they have displays drop off to be advertised and reviewed by Cameron. It was asked if he will to be able to interview people who have dropped off displays Cameron to research a platform for this we have volunteers to help with the set up of the display it was suggested that the scavenger hunt be put on line.

Christmas there will be two services on Christmas Eve; a family service, and a traditional service on line and possibly in person. There will also be a Christmas morning service. Rev. Cameron may be doing an in-person Christmas service in Whistler. There is the possibility of doing something musical with Carol and Erica and Cameron

Phones: Rita has volunteered to help with the phone messages, possibly Monday and Tuesdays and Elaine to do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Coffee Hour numbers are small, so we will stop it for the time being.

Next Parish Council Meeting Sunday December 13th at 11:00 am

Adjournment - David moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 Closing Prayer + Grace