Parish Council Minutes

September 19, 2021


Present: Rev. Cameron Gutjahr, Igor Oliveira, Eve Brealey, Anna Morgan, Andrew Runciman, Karen Brumpton, Rita Carey

Regrets: David and Edie Hildreth, Stacey Spencer


Rev. Cameron opened the meeting with a prayer.


Review and Adoption of Agenda: Andrew moved, Anna seconded, that the agenda be accepted as amended. Carried



Review and Acceptance of Past Minutes: Rita moved, Karenseconded, that the minutes be accepted as written. Carried


Business Arising from the Minutes – will all be included in the agenda


Financial/Envelope Reports


Eve noted that the parish receives $150.00 every 2 months with regards to Rev. Cameron’s duty as Regional Dean. There was a discussion as to where this money should go. At the moment it is in miscellaneous income in the general fund, it has been suggested that it be put into the roof fund.

Karen moved, and Rita, seconded that the funds received from the Diocese regarding the Regional Dean parish compensation, be allocated to the roof for one calendar year. Carried


Eve presented financial reports for August 2021.

Eve moved and Andrew seconded, that the August financial reports be accepted as presented. Carried


Rita reported on the envelope donations. There is a difference in the financial reports and the envelope report due to a mix up in posting pledged and unpledged donations. A journal entry will be done in September.



Fundraising + Stewardship

Rev. on the Roof: is happening tomorrow; so far there has been over $1,200.00 donations received. Rev Cameron said that he is looking forward to the event and hopes to engage the public as they go by, noting that it is important to have fun with a project that could be stressful!


Christmas BazaarRev Cameron asked the committee how people are feeling about the bazaar – maybe an online auction as Covid is still a question mark at this time or a small in person bazar with items for sale at the nativity display.

A date was set for November 27th we will check in next month to see what direction we should go in.


New Ideas: Igor presented two ideas to the committee, an email will be sent out following the meeting providing more details on these ideas. It was noted that these ideas would need to go to a Vestry meeting for approval.


1. Parking lot – digital parking fee as there a lot of cars parked in our lot, the parking meters would all be done on line via phone using a monitoring station. Igor will look and see if this is viable.
2. Kitchen: rent the kitchen to a company who will make it into a commercial kitchen, a 2 year commitment to the company coming in, add a clause that we would be able to use the kitchen for church events – Igor will see if there is someone who is interested in doing this.


These projects are in the exploring stages, does the council want Igor to do some more work on this.

Cameron spoke of other churches who have had similar kitchen projects, Cameron has also spoken to others about the kitchen, that there is president for this.

Cameron opened up the group for conversation.

Hold off on the parking lot – is the parking lot park of the community good will?

Message in the parking lot, nice message, the money will be used for the good work in the community – if people can pay they will if they can’t pay that is ok – its all in the messaging – pay it forward to a community project, community resource – we will not be towing cars away – help someone else to eat too! Bear proof can – short message, kind, clear – like the donation idea, not keen on the pay parking ,

Kitchen great idea – evolve into feeding people who are experiencing food insecurity

Thank you Igor for bringing these ideas to the committee


Andrew moved, Karen seconded, that Igor explore the parking lot idea. Carried


Karen moved, seconded Andrew, that Igor explore the kitchen idea. Carried




Reconciliation – Cameron has some ideas regarding reconciliation.

Upcoming Event: A Time for Truth,
Alice Gus is our speaker for holy week
Take stat holiday on the September 30th  
For the parish to make a monthly donation to an Indigenous church – enter into relationship with a community having opportunities to connect, pray together, Cameron will talk with the Indigenous Justice ministry to see if this idea would be welcome. Cameron will connect Lynn McNaughton who will know where the need is

Concern: could we sustain a monthly donation? We would not want to have to stop once we start

It was suggested that a budget line be made for this project like the line for the Anglican Foundation

Cameron will do more research and get back to us



Anglican Foundation – a cheque will be sent out



Maintenance: Rev Cameron suggested that the old bishop’s chair, the old kneeler, and the old altar that are being stored in the hall, find new homes.

Andrew moved, Rita seconded, that we look to rehome the old bishop’s chair, the old kneeler, and the old altar that are being stored in the hall. Carried



Roof Update: Rev Cameron reported on the roof. There is an enclosed structure in the narthex so that the bell tower can be worked on. A couple of issues have come up, removing the roof panels, was more challenging that first assessed, extra work has been needed in some areas which was not included in the original quote.

We are less than 20,000.00 from our goal.

Note: we did allow in our budgeting for some extras expenses




St. Bernard’s: Rev Cameron update the committee; St. Bernard’s is now meeting weekly 7pm on Wednesday. At this point there is not a set place but the group is looking for an indoor space. There will be a cost to this but we do have a donation for this.

The Diocese has approved the intent for grant.


Ministry Goals: Rev Cameron presented the Ministry Goals for the year.

These goals were based on the visioning session from earlier this summer.

Cameron is hoping to frame future council meetings around these goals (if the y are adopted by the church.)

Andrew moved, Anna seconded, to accept these ministry goals for this year. Carried


Upcoming Events:

Time for Truth is this Thursday

Plant Walk. Sept 26.

Pet blessing. Oct 3. Cameron will make a poster  

“Raise the Roof” Hymn Sing. Oct 4. Your favourite hymn could come on the list for a donation. This event will be streamed and in person – Carol, Erica and Ianhave already volunteered to participate

November hoping to do a concert with the Howe Sound group



Parish Council Meetings – how often do we need to meet – are people feeling connected?

There was discussion about this, it was decided that once a month meeting was enough.

Suggestion: make up power teams or working groups that take on projects

We will come back to this next month once we adjust to being back in church



Other Business – none


Cameron thanked the committee for their work,

Cameron away October 17th and October 24th

Next Meeting: Monday October 25th 7:00pm

Karen moved to adjourn the meeting.

Rev Cameron closed the meeting with prayer.