God of Community
Thank you for this church, St.John the Divine.
Thank you for a place to gather in our joy and in our sadness, in our failure and fears, this place, we know that you are near.
Thank you for the rustle of babies, toddlers and children during our services, thank you for their families for blessing us with their presence. May their little hearts know you through this place.
Thank you for connection with each other when we pass the peace.
Thank you to those who steward the alter, who wash the floors, who create the tapestries and who polish the brass.
Thank you for those who makes the coffee and tea, who bake the treats and who wash the dishes.
Thank you for those who come to this place to worship, regardless of the weather, physical pain, age, or difficult journeys. We ask that you continue to hold them and comfort them.
Thank you for those who gift us with music, we ask that you continue to inspire them to creat and share the gift of music by their instruments and voices.
Thank you for the liturgy, the gifts of the Eucharist, the baptisms and ashes and promise that in life and death we are forever yours.
Thank you for our beloved Reverend Cameron, who does the endless and sometimes delicate work of encouraging us and holding us, who keeps the vision of you Kingdom and steadfastly holds us is your light. And, who reminds us that we are your children who are loved by you.
Thank you for the wisdom of the people of this church, thank you for their generous spirit of mentorship, sharing knowledge, sharing resources, stewarding with their gifts and for all the selfless acts of love of which all are great and none are too small.
Thank you for each precious person who has passed through these Sanctuary doors, those who are here in body and those who have died. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Thank you for your abiding presence in every bit of this church, for flowing your love into our hearts, and for the miracle of ensuring that we are never alone. May we find joy in doing your work and may it fill us with peace, comfort and purpose.
God, we pray this, in the name of your Son, our Saviour and teacher and friend, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen