Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd (so early this year!)
So, now is the time to start thinking about what this beautiful, rich season of the Church year may hold for you.
The invitation on Ash Wednesday in our prayer book is
I invite you therefore, in the name of the Lord, to observe a holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and by reading and meditating on the word of God… (Book of Alternative Services pg. 282)
What will you take on or give up this year?
Maybe you would like to try penitence and book a time for the sacrament of reconciliation (sometimes known as confession and absolution) to lay bare any brokenness that you might be holding on to and to rest in the boundless love and forgiveness of God.
Maybe you would like to try the reflective work of self-examination and join in with the parish book study, Ambition: What Jesus Said About Power, Success and Counting Stuff.
Maybe you would like to try almsgiving and collect food for the foodbank or donate money and time regularly to a group that serves those in need.
Maybe you would like to try fasting and refrain for the season from a particular food or activity or habit to reorient your life towards God and God’s dream for you.
Maybe you would like to try prayer and reading and meditating on the word of God and try on a new practice of a regular rhythm of prayer or reading scripture.
There are so many options. However, I encourage you to think and pray about it with intention and try at least one thing this year.
I am happy to talk with and support anyone in this discernment so that this may be for you a holy and blessed Lent. Thanks be to God!