“You are salt of the earth,” Jesus says.
What does it mean to be salt?
Salt preserves; it can be a good exfoliant; too much salt can raise one’s blood pressure.
However, the thing that Jesus emphasizes about salt is its flavour – “but if salt has lost its taste,” he says, “how can its saltiness be restored?”
What do we know about the flavour of salt?
Well, too much can overpower everything else. Therefore it doesn’t take very much – only a little bit – to make a big difference. At its best, salt brings out and enhances the flavours that are already there – pulling them together.
I think that this is good news for us here, those of us who are part of this little community of St. John’s; us who have been called and sent to be salt and light for this little part of the earth that we call home.
I think this is good news because we can rest assured that it doesn’t take very much for us to make a big difference in our community. It doesn’t take much for us to pull together and enhance what God is already doing in this place.
This week, I invite you to wonder what it might look like for you to lean into your saltines where you live, and work, and play. I invite you to pray that we at St. John’s may embrace this calling to be a blessing to our community – salt and light – in the name of Christ.
Thanks be to God!