Our family is still new to both St. John’s and the Anglican Church. I’m really touched hearing many share about stewardship in the last couple weeks. We have definitely felt that same welcome that others have shared about, and look forward to finding ways of being involved and getting to know more of you.
When I think of stewardship, the example of my parents comes to mind. They are people who consistently use their time, talent, character and finances to help others inside and outside the church and have always been consistent attendees.
I still remember as a young child my mom giving us a few quarters each week to put in the offering plate so we could participate with the others. They helped me learn that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and we can be grateful and generous with those gifts. I’ve worked as a freelancer for my whole adult life and there are a lot of ups and downs in my industry. Every contract I feel so joyful and thankful that I can give a portion back to help others.
There’s a metal art piece on my parents wall with the words faith, hope and love. I observe all of these at St. John’s in all the little parts and people and am inspired to grow deeper in these gifts with our family.
Thinking about stewardship reminds me of the character of God that we see modeled in Jesus.
As I grow older, I want my heart to continue to grow in new ways towards God’s nature. I know I’m a long way off but I want to be stewarding all that He has entrusted to me in this life.